How to share location on whatsapp

Do you want to share your location to your friend, family member or anyone else? But the problem is that you don’t know how to share location on whatsapp. So don’t worry because I’m here to help you in sending your location on whatsapp.

Well, after researching I came up with some steps through which you can easily send your location to anyone. The process of sharing location on whatsapp is very easy. Simply follow the steps given below.

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How to share location of whatsapp 

There are some steps through which you can easily send your location to anyone. 

  • First of all, open a whatsapp application.
  • Then click on your friend, family member or anyone chatting with whom you want to send your location.
  • Click on the + sign (attachment button) in the whatsapp application from where you send media including photos, videos etc.
  • From here, click on the location button. When you click on the location button a GPS map will be open and then click on ‘send your current location’ button or any location you want to share.
  • You can also share your live location to anyone by the button given above of all locations button. When you click on the share live location button it will ask you to select the time period.
  • You can also stop sharing live location at any time by the button ‘stop sharing’ after sending live location.

If you want to get more features of whatsapp you can download gold whatsapp here.

You can easily share your current location to anyone by following the method given in this article.

In this article we have discussed how you can easily share your location to anyone on whatsapp but still, if you are facing any problem feel free to contact us.

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